No Debt World Travel – eBook Review

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no-debt-world-travelTraveling the world for long periods of time without going broke doing so is not everyone’s fantasy… but it is one of mine. So I was interested when Brian Peters asked me to review his new eBook “No Debt World Travel” which he was kind enough to send me for free.

I liked Brian’s 80 page guide to world travel but to be honest I was not that excited about the title. There are books about how to make money while you travel around the world but this book is not one of them. Brian does talk about how to travel for less money but “Less Debt World Travel” is not as snappy a title.

The target audience for “No Debt World Travel” is the person who dreams of travel but is afraid to do it and does not know how to start. Brian writes about his personal experience as a long term traveler and addresses myths about travel like:

  • I need a lot of money.
  • I need to speak 10 languages if I’m going to 10 different countries.
  • It is dangerous.
  • I’ll get sick and won’t know what to do.
  • I’ll be lonely if I go by myself.
  • I have a family so I can’t possibly travel around the world with my family.

The rest of the book deals with the practical issues of travel like buying a round the world ticket, dealing with banks, getting insurance, obtaining visas and protecting your health.

So if you think staying in hostels would be gross (which probably means you have not stayed in one recently) or don’t know how to pack less than you can carry, this might be the book for you. Brian is serious about his travel as only someone who sold their home before he went on the road can be. I don’t know that I personally picked up a lot of new information in No Debt World Travel but as a primer to someone who is just starting to plan their big trip I would recommend it.

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Chris Christensen

by Chris Christensen

Chris Christensen is the creator of the Amateur Traveler blog and podcast. He has been a travel creator since 2005 and has won awards including being named the "Best Independent Travel Journalist" by Travel+Leisure Magazine.

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