Dialysis at Sea – Cruise Option for Dialysis Patients

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I did not find pictures of sick people undergoing dialysis when I went to the website for this unusual travel company. Dialysis at Sea is not selling dialysis. What they are selling is freedom. What they are selling is that you may be on dialysis but you can still take your family on a vacation and enjoy yourself.

Martin, a long time friend of mine, brought this company to my attention. He had just returned home from a cruise with his wife’s family including his father-in-law who needs regular dialysis. The family had been looking for options but most local travel companies had no idea how to accommodate this need. Eventually they discovered Dialysis at Sea which acts as a tour company. They book a limited number of dialysis patients on specific cruises that are staffed and equipped to handle them.

Martin’s mother-in-law wrote:

After checking locally regarding dialysis on a ship (even AAA knew nothing) I was told that we must go through Dialysis at Sea to book our cruise.  I found their phone number on the internet.  I talked with a couple of gals (Wanda and Brandy).  Cost of cruise through them is slightly more expensive.  Subsequence cruises could possibly be a little cheaper, since I’ve been receiving e-mails from Dialysis at Sea regarding upcoming cruises.

On this particular cruise there were 9 patients. The ratio of nurses (3) to patients was very good. There were 2 rooms for 2 patients. The rooms were very small but with all the equipment and supplies for the patients.

The first dialysis opportunity was at 5:30 am and the last one was at 2:30 pm with slots at half hour intervals. Each patient was on a machine for at least 3 hours plus a half hour on and off time. The dialysis group was very accommodating. They took advantage of time at sea to run dialysis so patients were free when we were in port. One a patient required a 4th treatment and he was taken care of.

Many people want to travel “now while they still can”. Companies like Dialysis at Sea are extending that envelope of “still can” to include dialysis patients.

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Chris Christensen

by Chris Christensen

Chris Christensen is the creator of the Amateur Traveler blog and podcast. He has been a travel creator since 2005 and has won awards including being named the "Best Independent Travel Journalist" by Travel+Leisure Magazine.

15 Responses to “Dialysis at Sea – Cruise Option for Dialysis Patients”



Thanks for writing this article. Many people are disadvantaged when it comes to health care and travel, especially by cruise lines. We did some research and taking care of people is not that hard on a ship (and even cases where Medicare can be used). Would love to hear what other people think about what we’re doing as we move forward.

Melvina Bogan


I am very concerned, my husband is a dialysis patient who needs dialysis three times a week, 3 1/2 hours a treatment. Will Medicare pay for my husband’s treatments while on the cruise ship?



Melvina, thats a good question but I don’t know. But I suspect the company that I wrote about would be good to ask.



Medicare will not normally cover dialysis on any of the currently-operating cruise lines. All of those ships are foreign and must leave the country, making Medicare invalid. A cruise ship must be within 6 hours of a US port for Medicare to be valid and none of those ships are for very long. Only an American-flagged cruise ship could do so for any length of time. https://www.medicare.gov/Pubs/pdf/11037-Medicare-Coverage-Outside-United-Stat.pdf



If you have insurance. Example BCBS…has anyone experienced how to determine how much out of Network is covered for Dialysis? I would appreciate some direction on how to travel and live my life with breaking the bank:(

Connie Peterson


What Cruise lines offer dialysis at sea???



I don’t know but you can contact the Dialysis at Sea company I link to in this article

Edward Bayes


it tells you everything but the costs of each treatment and if also fails to mention the cruises that are available.



true, looks like you have to contact them to get that into



My husband does his dialysis nightly. Is that type of procedure possible on cruise ships?




I am not sure, you would have to ask the people at Dialysis at Sea.



Celebrity and Royal Carribbean are the 2 that currently offer dialysis on certain ships. You can go to http://www.dialysisatsea.com to check out their schedule. I worked a cruise to Alaska last July and will do so again this August as a tech. Wonderful experience for the patients and myself!

haim biton


i want know all about tour on sea with dialysis
and from where the trip start.
thank u

Chris Christensen


Haim, I don’t have specific details on particular tours.



There is also a UK company called Cruise Dialysis, http://www.cruisedialysis.co.uk who offer haemodialysis cruises.

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