Work and Travel Around the World – Episode 194

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The Amateur Traveler talks to Lisa Lubin of LLWorldTour about her round the world trip which extended from a year to a two and a half year odyssey and a nomadic lifestyle.

Lisa talks about her trip but also talks about the various jobs she worked along the way.

Why would an Emmy winning TV producer want to work in a coffee shop in Australia, teach English in Germany, become a research assistant in Germany, and do PR for a company in Spain?

right click here to download (mp3)
right click here to download (iTunes enhanced)

Show Notes

Lisa’s trip blog – LLWorldTour
Surf’s up, dude. – surfing and studying Spanish in Costa Rica
The Second City, Australian-Style
“Sandwich Shop Dropout”
Tour du Vietnam
Snapshot: Istanbul
ESP (English for Speciality Purposes)
“And then they told two friends. And so on. And so on…”
Mona Lisa
Lost in Translation?
Pueblo Inglés
El Pueblo Ingles – Notes from Spain Podcast 55
Habla Inglés??
Surf’s up, Dude!
The French are Nice…Really!


Travel News – Dissolving Bikini, Butt Free Beaches, Cruise Murder, Airport Scams, Cruise Flu, Volunteers Stay Free, Camcorder Loan

  • Dissolving Bikini is the Ultimate Revenge Gift
  • Give A Day, Get A Night
  • Hotel offers guests a free camcorder for the weekend

Internet Resources – buy or sell transferable airline tickets


Thomas from Austria

Traveling Soon? These useful links will help you prepare for your trip.
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Chris Christensen

by Chris Christensen

Chris Christensen is the creator of the Amateur Traveler blog and podcast. He has been a travel creator since 2005 and has won awards including being named the "Best Independent Travel Journalist" by Travel+Leisure Magazine.

14 Responses to “Work and Travel Around the World – Episode 194”



What an interesting and enlightening episode. While traveling in Croatia last year, I met a couple of kids teaching English for a semister in a small French town. It was interesting to hear how an experienced person created her own path.

Since international traveling is becoming more expensive, you may want to continue focusing on US destinations or uncommon US destinations.

Thank for your efforts.

Working around the world | LLWorldTour


[…] hear more about my working around the world, listen to this podcast interview I did for Chris Christensen at the Amateur […]



Very interesting episode… my favorite quote from the show was Lisa saying the world is a small place and nothing is as daunting for her to approach now. Her adventures sound like it would make a great movie! 🙂

The Travel Map: Before. « girl eats world


[…] 2009 Posted by Amy in Uncategorized. trackback Inspired by LL World Tour, who I discovered on an Amateur Traveler podcast, I’ve been messing around with TripAdvisor’s travel map today. Here’s a […]



I loved her post! It’s so true that you’ll burn out if you travel for that long without really stopping to absorb the culture. Loved her “learning about Melbourne waitressing lingo” to be a good barista. Sounds like a fun skit.

I discovered your podcast about 2 months ago and eagerly await the next episode. Can’t wait to hear the one you’re going to do on Laos!

Note to travelers: Careful not to leave your wallet a the bottom of a waterfall there though when you go climbing, it can get snitched! Keep you valuables ON you person. 😉

Travel to Sicily in Italy – Episode 197 | The Amateur Traveler Travel Podcast - best places to travel


[…] Vegas at BlogWorld on Oct 16 or 17th? Amateur Traveler on facebook Violette comments on Laos and Work and Travel Around the World – Episode 194 Brad wins an Amateur Traveler medal for his comment on Travel to the Eastern Slope of the Sierra […]



Hey, I’m Thomas – the one who was cited at the end of the episode. I just wan’t to say that I am from Austria and not from Spain (at it is claimed under the “Community” headline) 😉

Regards from Graz, AT (which is by the way town where Arnold Schwarzenegger was born)




Sorry Thomas. Where did I get Spain from?



Dear Chris,

Thanks for informing your listeners about!




Great podcast! I am planning on doing the same exact thing in just a few months so this is very inspirational!

I enjoyed the insights about the various places that Lisa went to and how much she uses!

More more more!


Sherry Ott


Great show – enjoyed it thoroughly. It made me feel like I”m not alone in this journey!

Eat, Pray, Love...It Or Leave It | The Amateur Traveler Travel Podcast - best places to travel


[…] Nearly two years later you met Lisa Lubin and learned how she “Worked and Traveled Around the World”. […]

Loz in Transit


“Novel… being a little celebrity… its a constant rush… in real life you don’t meet so many people, so often”. Lisa Lubin has a really great perspective which I identify with with. If people could experience the type of thrill she’s describing we’d all be better for it. Its a recipe for joy.



Great Episode. I’m planning to start my dream being a professional blog traveler and I’m glad that I found this podcast. I really learned a lot from it.

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