"The Best Independent Travel Journalist" - Its 400-plus destination-themed podcasts have been downloaded more than seven million times
Travel + Leisure
2014 SMITTY Awards
Warren Morelli 

by Warren Morelli 

Warren and Natasha, creators of Nomad Hive, first crossed paths 7 years ago in Thailand. Bonded by a shared love for travel, they journeyed together, uncovering and sharing their favorite locations around the world. Their mission extends beyond travel, as they have tested and perfected many strategies for making money online, they now empower others to learn new skills and create a digital nomad lifestyle for themselves.

21 Best Things to Do in the Sierra Nevada Mountains
21 Best Things to Do in the Sierra Nevada Mountains
11 Best Campgrounds in the San Francisco Bay Area
11 Best Campgrounds in the San Francisco Bay Area
Explore Real De Catorce: A Lively Mexican Ghost Town
Explore Real De Catorce: A Lively Mexican Ghost Town