8 Places to Travel in case of a Zombie Apocalypse

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Zombie Parade - DSC 0533 ep

I am one for putting in some thinking ahead of going on vacation so as I hear about TV shows and movies about the zombie apocalypse it occurred to me that some places would be safer than others to be when the local graveyards start spewing forth the undead.

San Francisco

San Francisco may seem like an odd location choice because it has the second-highest population density in the United States after Manhattan. But one quirky thing about the City by the Bay is that in a move that showed great foresight between 1900 and 1940 San Francisco moved almost all its cemeteries and their residents out of the city limits further south to the city of Colma… which may, therefore, be one of the worst places to find your self in a zombie outbreak.

Louisville Kentucky

Generally, I think the idea of staying in a city is probably a bad idea, but Louisville Kentucky would be one place I would consider as it is the home of the  Louisville Slugger baseball bat. While residents of England and the makers of Sean of the Dead would argue for a cricket bat as the definitive protection against zombies, those of us in the U.S. know that a good piece of maple is the way to preserve the American way.

So if you are in the Louisville area when the excrement hits the rotating cooling device then you might look for me in the Louisville Slugger Museum which I am going to assume has some of the best bats ever made.

8 Places to Travel in case of a Zombie Apocalypse #travel #zombieGreenland

Greenland has only 0.02 people per square kilometer which makes it the sparsest population of any country. When ex-people start to want to eat your brains I suggest hightailing it to someplace like Greenland which just has a lot fewer people. Granted much of Greenland is covered by large sheets of ice so I can see that there might be some disadvantages to living in frozen tundra when the world as a whole has to go back to subsistence farming and living off old Twinkies. Greenland is probably a better option for those who love fish as the fishing, and especially the shrimping should still be a viable food source. There certainly should be some ice for an icebox after the power grids fall apart.

Falkland Islands

The Falkland Islands has only 0.25 people per square kilometer making it over-all only slightly more densely populated than Greenland but without all the ice sheets. The Falklands also has a large population of sheep for making sweaters so I would start learning how to spin your own wool. Being over 300 miles away from the South American mainland should give some protection and with the British presence on the island, we should be able to find a cricket bat or two.

Tristan da Cunha

If 300 miles from flesh-eaters does not seem like enough distance for you then how about Tristan da Cunha which is a British protectorate in the South Atlantic that is 1,750 miles from the nearest landmass. There is even an island called Inaccessible Island which sounds like a good alternative. It has enough wildlife that it has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The island has no airport and can only be reached by ship. I will readily admit that this will make your getaway a bit awkward, but it should also provide some protection from a global pandemic.


If you have to find yourself fighting for your very existence no longer at the top of the food chain consider that not all people are created equal. Consider Bolivia which has some of the shortest people on the planet. With the average man only 5 foot 6 inches (1.6 m) it might be a better place to find yourself than say the Netherlands where the men are on average 6 1/2 inches taller at 6 feet 1/2 inches (1.838 m). Give you and your unlikely descendants a fighting chance.

Great Falls, Montana

For an unexpected choice consider Great Falls, Montana for your refuge. First Montana has the 3rd highest ownership of guns of any state in the U.S. (behind only Alaska and Wyoming) so one can assume that there will be stockpiles of ammunition as well. But better yet, stories this week showed that residents of Great Falls, in particular, are keeping an eye on this zombie menace.

“Pranksters” took over the audio for a local TV station to put out a “fake” emergency broadcast message about the Zombie apocalypse  The message warned zombies were “attacking the living” and warned people not to “approach or apprehend these bodies as they are extremely dangerous,” according to the Associated Press. Prank or just really prepared?


Lastly, consider the interior of the Australian outback with its wide sweeping vistas and barren landscape. If the Mad Max films have taught us anything it is that Australia will fair above average in a post-apocalyptic world… and you can still drive your car.

originally published at JohnnyJet.com – 8 Places to Travel in case of a Zombie Apocalypse

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Chris Christensen

by Chris Christensen

Chris Christensen is the creator of the Amateur Traveler blog and podcast. He has been a travel creator since 2005 and has won awards including being named the "Best Independent Travel Journalist" by Travel+Leisure Magazine.

5 Responses to “8 Places to Travel in case of a Zombie Apocalypse”



this post is just good! when i went through this…the “zombie” word is just a little catchy! but you mentioned great places here..nice!

Jonathan Look, Jr.


What a weird list! I love the thought process that must have gone into this.



For Bolivia, short people just means faster people that are better at hiding =P

richard ahola


i wonder about the falklands. according to argentine officials falklanders are not people. are they zombies?



They seemed like people to me.

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