Travel Tips For Vegetarians

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Travel can pose additional challenges for vegetarians and vegans who in addition to common language barriers have to face cultural and dietary issues. In some places the “vegetarian” entree is chicken or made with beef broth. The following travel tips highlight some important information for the large and growing veggie-friendly community.

  1. Purchase the books “Vegan Passport” or “PointIt”. The Passport book translate various vegetarian phrases into many foreign languages. The PointIt guide displays photos of vegetables that you can point at when your waiter does not speak English. You can also purchase a portable language translator or use yahoo babelfish for translation purposes.
  2. Take a foreign language class at an adult education center prior to your trip. Some places offer classes primarily for travel. You should memorize basic travel phrases such as “I do not eat chicken or fish”, “I can not have dairy products?” or “I am vegan”.
  3. Realize that in some countries, the concept of “vegan” is misunderstood. Be sure to mention to your waiter that you do not eat chicken, fish, or animal broth and that no bones should be in the soups either.
  4. Check sites such as,, and to find vegetarian-specific trips where you will dine at veggie-friendly restaurants.
  5. Get accommodations at inns which feature vegetarian restaurants on their premises. You may find these inns online at sites such as or
  6. Take a vegetarian cruise. Find the cruise information at
  7. Check online for the various types of meals you may order for various airlines. For example, the “Asian Meal” is usually vegan. Check the airlines meal options at and
  8. Check online for veggie-friendly dining options at various airports.
  9. Do restaurant research in advance of your holiday. Check sites such as for worldwide vegetarian restaurants.

These tips will make a vegetarian’s or vegan’s vacation a much more pleasant one!

Traveling Soon? These useful links will help you prepare for your trip.
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by MariaTrekker

Maria writes a blog regarding travel advice for vegetarian and vegan world travelers called Vegan World Trekker.

3 Responses to “Travel Tips For Vegetarians”

Travel Tips For Vegetarians | The Amateur Traveler Travel Podcast … at Time Traveler and Travel Tips Online


[…] the original post here: Travel Tips For Vegetarians | The Amateur Traveler Travel Podcast … adv_username = "titaniumhijau"; adv_gid = "titaniumhijau_default"; adtype = "336×280"; Another […]

» Top Travel Tips - Blog - Travel Tips For Vegetarians | The Amateur Traveler Travel Podcast … - common-language, face-cultural


[…] See strange here: Travel Tips For Vegetarians | The Amateur Traveler Travel Podcast … […]

Tyler Muse at Lingo Live


Nice tip on language. I can see how traveling as a vegetarian might be a struggle, especially in certain places (like China!). Thanks for this post!

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