Amateur Traveler Asks: St. Augustine and the Pirate Museum

categories: USA Travel

In this video Amateur Traveler asks questions of Pat Croce from the St. Augustine Pirate & Treasure Museum about the city as well as the museum:

  • Why should someone go to St. Augustine?
  • What’s the best time or the year or the best day of the year to come to St Augustine?
  • What’s the one food I shouldn’t miss if I come to St Augustine?
  • If you had to summarize St Augustine in 3 words, what 3 words would you use?
  • Can you tell us more about the Pirate Museum?

Here more about St. Augustine in Travel to St. Augustine, Florida – Episode 302

St Augustine – Amateur Traveler Transcript

Hi Amateur Traveler, this is Pat Croce at the St. Augustine Pirate and Treasure Museum in Florida, right on the East Coast, and I hear you have some questions for me.

Why should someone go to St. Augustine?

Why should you go to St. Augustine? First and foremost because it’s the oldest city in our great nation, and the attractions here have a historical theme, like the Pirate Museum – it has the pirates who plundered here – from Sir Francis Drake, Robert Searles and Rancin. You have the Colonial Quarter next door which is like a Mini Williamsburg where you can learn Blacksmithing and Gun Smithing and Leather Making; and there’s a shipwright making a 55-foot caravel. Across the way you have the Castillo de San Marcus – right across the street! That’s the big ol’ fort built in 1672 – it took about two decades to make. On the first harbor of our country we have a 16th Century replica of a galleon, a three-masted, 170 foot, 12 cannon ship. One of the treasure ships that sailed for many, many centuries. We have Flagger College and we have the Fountain of Youth – drink some water! – we have the Lighthouse. There’s so much to do in St. Augustine that it provides an entertaining, educational experience IN ADDITION to the beaches!

What is the best day of the year to travel to  St. Augustine?

The best day of the year might be the Fourth of July, because right here, off of the Fort, they blow the place up! The fireworks are outrageous! Best time of the year? Summer’s pretty crowded, but if you come in the first quarter of the year it’s not so crowded and you can enjoy all of these fabulous attractions by yourself.

What’s the one food I shouldn’t miss if I come to St Augustine?

Pirate at heart? It’s gotta be fresh seafood. Come on, it’s right there! Bring it up, and let’s go!

If you had to summarize St Augustine in 3 words, what 3 words would you use?

Fascinating, original experiences.

Can you tell us more about the Pirate Museum?

St. Augustine’s Pirate and Treasure Museum is dear to my heart because I started collecting some of these artifacts when I first started making money and I amassed one of the greatest collections on the planet. And we put it all here – totally immersive. You’re going to be going through nine different areas, but BACK 300 years in the Golden Age of Piracy. It’s a really cool experience with more than a dozen engaging, interactive exhibits, as well as 800 real artifacts, some of which were loaned to us by the vaults of the State of Florida. They get 20% of everything excavated in their waters and they’re here to show you. And I think everyone who has a pirate-souled heart will really enjoy it!

For more information on any visit to St. Augustine or our surrounding areas or the great attractions go to Florida’ or the Come on down!

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Chris Christensen

by Chris Christensen

Chris Christensen is the creator of the Amateur Traveler blog and podcast. He has been a travel creator since 2005 and has won awards including being named the "Best Independent Travel Journalist" by Travel+Leisure Magazine.

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