Book Review: “1,000 Places to See Before You Die” Second Edition by Patricia Shultz

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1%2C000%20Places%20to%20See%20Before%20You%20Die%2C%202nd%20Edition%3A%20Completely%20Revised%20and%20Updated%20with%20Over%20200%20New%20Entries%20by%20Patricia%20Schultz%2C%20Workman%20Publishing%20Company%2C%20Inc.%20%7C%20NOOK%20Book%20%28eBook%29%2C%20Paperback%2C%20HardcoverTo say that this book is thorough is an understatement! This book addresses sites in more than 150 states around the world. Aside from giving the names and colored pictures of many of these places, Patricia Schultz also describes the site and some of the important surrounding factors including where to stay and good places to eat, with a price range for the traveler on a budget. Best times to visit are also given, as well as contact information for many of the hotels and restaurants and how to find the sites. One unique characteristic of this book is its range of sites, like many books it names famous sites and locations, however Ms. Shultz also discusses festivals artworks and locations.

I was thrilled to see 3 different sites in Uzbekistan listed, as I have held a soft spot for the country since representing it in high school Model United Nations. I was particularly interested in seeing Imam Square in Isfahan, Iran. The picture given is from the Masjid-i-Imam mosque and shows an absolutely amazing tile mosaic, which in itself is enough to warrant a trip not to mention the history and culture in Iran.

Ms. Schultz gives the well-known sites like Stonehenge and the Sydney opera house but she also delves into unique and unfamiliar experiences like a yurt stay at lake Song Köl in Kyrgyzstan or the Akwasidae Festival in Kumasi, Ghana. In 1,200 pages an overview of the must-see places in our world is given in a strategic and organized manner. 1,000 Places to See Before You Die has this broke college student salivating over distant places and dreaming of future travels.

Traveling Soon? These useful links will help you prepare for your trip.
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Sarah Lockhart

by Sarah Lockhart

Sarah Lockhart is a senior athletic training student at the University of Maine. Travelling is one of her passions and she hopes to combine travel and medicine as part of her career.

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