Book Review – Around the World in 80 Documentaries by Christopher Winnan

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80-documentaries The title of the book Around the World in 80 Documentaries had instant appeal for me. I consider that the first seeds of desire to travel were planted by watching some of these documentaries. As a high school student, watching Michael Palin travel around the world, I hoped that I could someday follow.

I liked the format, split into regions; it allows the reader to, perhaps, dip into an area of interest rather than the intention being to read from cover to cover. Each region lists and describes a selection of documentaries that would give you a good appreciation for the culture, landscape and architecture of the countries. From this you will no doubt form your own short list of ones to watch.

In part two, the author discusses the possibility of ‘armchair travel’ as a viable alternative to expensive and environmentally damaging actual travel. This is an interesting concept! While I fully appreciate the reasons for suggesting this, I can never totally accept it as an option. Travel has a sensory experience that no documentary can replicate (yet!) and to not experience that would not give you the full or alternative experience. The author offers this advice as a veteran traveller himself, having the hindsight of all the traumas of travel. Yes, the armchair traveller can avoid security, queuing, being ripped off, but, isn’t that the whole reason for travel in the first place?

This tone of this book reminds me of the Alain De Botton book ‘The Art of Travel’ which I read early on in my travelling hobby. I think that any avid reader, but reluctant traveller would definitely enjoy this as an alternative to the real thing. Any keen traveller would enjoy the reminders of some great documentaries made about our amazing world, but I doubt they would seriously think about putting away their suitcase! I certainly won’t.

Traveling Soon? These useful links will help you prepare for your trip.
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Sonya Kewley

by Sonya Kewley

Sonya lives near Manchester, UK. She was in British military where travel took her to Europe and the Falkland Islands. She lived in Singapore when her husbands job took us there. She continued to travel when twin girls came along 9 years ago. Travel has lead her to become a geologist, and being a geologist makes her travel to collect specimens.

One Response to “Book Review – Around the World in 80 Documentaries by Christopher Winnan”

Kevin Rivera


I also read the book ‘The Art of Travel’ of Alain De Botton. And if the stories of Christopher Winnan are similar to his, I’d like to get this book for my birthday.

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