Book Review : “The Night Sky” by Maria Sutton

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The Night Sky: A Journey from Dachau to Denver and Back” is an actual story of the long and difficult search that Maria went on to find where she came from or rather where her biological father came from…then she was know where she’s from. The story revolves around 3 family members: her father Josef, her mother Julia and uncle Wasyl and the interesting facts about her heritage she learned along the way.
Maria was born to Polish immigrants living in less than average housing in Colorado.  The book goes back and forth between Maria’s childhood and her mother’s childhood. As Julia grows older, Maria starts asking her mother for information on her father Josef, and where he might have ended up after the war. After tracking his path down, she goes to Europe to find him. Maria encounters Josef’s family members and learns a lot about herself and her father.
In the process of trying to find her father, she learns about her uncle, Wasyl, and how his life has changed since separated from his sister Julia.
I really enjoyed the story, of Maria’s search for her father, and the descriptions of Europe during the war and today.
Disclaimer: A free copy of this book was given to the volunteer with the expectation that they would read it and write a fair and honest review of it.
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Sarah Coale

by Sarah Coale

I am married (for 25 yrs), have 2 boys - 24 and 21 (only 2 semesters of Mizzou left to pay for!), graduate of Mizzou myself. Ran my first half-marathon in March 2012 at 48 yrs old! My husband and I live in Clinton, Missouri, a quiet town of 10,000 on the edge of Truman Lake in West Central Missouri.

One Response to “Book Review : “The Night Sky” by Maria Sutton”

Marks Spencer


Seems good!

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