Bristol, England – Favorite City

categories: europe travel

According to guide book publisher Dorling Kindersley, Bristol is one of the top 10 cities to visit in 2009. Having lived in Bristol for the last 15 years, I already knew that it was not only a fantastic place to live but a great place to explore for a couple of days if you’re touring the UK. So let me do some introductions.

Cathedral across college green

Bristol is a fine old city with a proud maritime heritage and some dark connections with the slave trade. She can be just as chocolate-box pretty as her near neighbor, Bath, but scratch below the surface and you’ll find a dynamic and slightly subversive street culture. She’s a university town and has always welcomed visitors from far and wide. Her harborside has been given a face-lift and her city center’s buzzing but climb one of her many hills and you’ll glimpse the green fields and countryside on her doorstep.

Banksy on Stokes Croft, Bristol

In Clifton, enjoy the fine Georgian architecture and designer boutiques in the village, stroll up to the observatory for a view of the Avon gorge or introduce yourself to the penguins at Bristol Zoo Gardens. The Clifton suspension bridge is Bristol’s most famous landmark and was built by Isambard Kingdom Brunel to span the Avon Gorge. It was opened in 1864 and up to 12,000 cars still cross it every day. The green spaces near the bridge are a good place to view the hundreds of balloons that drift over the city during the Bristol International Balloon fiesta – it’s Europe’s largest hot air balloon festival.

Traveling Soon? These useful links will help you prepare for your trip.
Balloons over Bristol

Take a ferry around the harbourside where the harbor festival takes place every August, cool off in the fountains in Millenium square and treat the family to some hands-on science at at-Bristol. At the other end of the harbor, you’ll find the SS Great Britain, built in 1843, as the world’s first ocean-going, propeller-driven iron ship. After seeing service as a luxury liner, she was abandoned in the Falklands Islands then brought back to Bristol in the 70s where she was restored to her former glory.

Bristol docks

If museums are your thing there are a couple of free ones that will show you a glimpse of Bristol’s historic past. The Georgian House was built in the 1790s for a wealthy Bristol Merchant and has been preserved to show how a family of that period would have lived. Red Lodge was built in the 1580s and takes you back in time with it’s Tudor paneled rooms and knot garden.

Library at the Georgian house, Bristol

You won’t be going hungry in Bristol, with many bars, pubs, and restaurants all over the city. For a view of the harbor try Bordeaux Quay with bistro and deli downstairs and fine dining upstairs, or the Olive shed for Mediterranean style food & tapas. On Park St, Goldbrick House has stylish eating and cocktails and Rocatillos is a small family dinner with the best breakfast and milkshakes in Bristol. In the center for a break from sightseeing pop into St Nicholas Market with many different vendors of hot food from Indian, Moroccan, Jamaican or traditional English pies and bangers to eat in or take away. In Clifton village, I like to take a break from the retail therapy at Bar Chocolat for a restoring hot chocolate.

Bordeaux Quay

I hope I’ve whetted your appetite to visit my home city of Bristol – she’s waiting for you to come and discover her for yourself.

See more photos of Bristol from Heather on her travels on Flickr

Check out the Visit Bristol website to help you plan your visit to Bristol.

This is an entry for January’s Your Favorite City – Blog Contest. Heather has been a guest on Travel to Valencia, Spain – Episode 137 of the Amateur Traveler.

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Heather Cower

by Heather Cower

Heather Cowper lives with her family in Bristol, England. Heather blogs about the interesting things she sees on her travels around Europe, the World and on her doorstep in Bristol at Heather on her travels

3 Responses to “Bristol, England – Favorite City”

Chris Lyes



For an HD video about the SS Great Britain, Bristol and some background on its designer, visit






As Heather already mentioned, for more information about what to do and where to go in Bristol visit the Visit Bristol Website

But also check out the Bristol Promo Video on YouTube to get an impression on the city’s features


Alison Newnham


Just discovered this whilst randomly reading about an upcoming trip we’re taking to Mexico and searching for other posts for place we know! I’m in Bristol and nearly 10 years later the place is still thriving. Many UK visitors get as far as Bath (beautiful city so a must on any trip) but miss Bristol so just encouraging anyone who reads this to consider checking us out, if not to stay here we are an easy day trip by train or bus from Bath!!

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