Ford Motor Company – Truck Plant – Amateur Traveler Video 74

categories: USA Travel

Visit the Ford Motor Company Truck Plant in Dearborn, Michigan with the Amateur Traveler. This video shows the Ford Truck assembly line which I visited as part of the Ford Trends conference. While you won’t be allowed to take pictures, you can also tour the Ford plant on your next trip to Michigan.

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Chris Christensen

by Chris Christensen

Chris Christensen is the creator of the Amateur Traveler blog and podcast. He has been a travel creator since 2005 and has won awards including being named the "Best Independent Travel Journalist" by Travel+Leisure Magazine.

One Response to “Ford Motor Company – Truck Plant – Amateur Traveler Video 74”



The Rouge Plant is an amazaing place to visit. Also be sure to visit The Henry Ford ( where you can see all types of cars, including the prototype ford Mustang alsong with the very first Mustang to come off the assembly line. Together these are well worth a trip to Dearborn.

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