Review – Meet the Locals

categories: europe travel

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I had the opportunity to experience a home stay from when I was recently in Dublin, Ireland. For full disclosure, paid for this particular stay. The experience is a paid fo
r, hosted experience so you are staying in someone’s home and you will get a chance to meet and interact with them during your stay. According to the web site, the stays around Dublin start at around $35 for a single room and typically include a light breakfast.

I stayed in with Mic and Liz and their family south of Dublin and I will warn you that you can’t possibly have as great a stay as I did as I feel I need to put Mic and Liz on my Christmas list because I want to stay in touch after spending 3 nights as part of their home. Most nights I did not eat with their family and it certainly is not included in the price generally, but I did join my hosts for one evening dinner and then took Mic out for a pint a one of the local pubs so we could keep talking.

One of the advantages of a hosted home stay is a chance to interact with locals. Granted the Irish culture is not that different from where I am from and the language is very similar except for that really cool accent. But even with all the similarities we found a lot to talk about how things work differently from one country to the other. We talked about school systems, traffic, business, the recession, the Celtic Tiger, sports, faith and much more.

One of the questions I typically ask during an Amateur Traveler interview is “most memorable local you met”. Thanks to a home stay, from, I have my answer should anyone ask me.

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Chris Christensen

by Chris Christensen

Chris Christensen is the creator of the Amateur Traveler blog and podcast. He has been a travel creator since 2005 and has won awards including being named the "Best Independent Travel Journalist" by Travel+Leisure Magazine.

One Response to “ Review – Meet the Locals”





**Stay Away – Nightmarish Experience!**
My stay at this homestay was nothing short of a nightmare. The host’s behavior was beyond concerning; they displayed clear signs of mental instability. From the moment I arrived, it was evident that this was going to be an uncomfortable stay.

First and foremost, the cost for this accommodation is exorbitant compared to what’s offered. Despite the high price tag, there was nothing but disappointment. The host’s control over guests is suffocating. I felt as though my every move was monitored, and I was far from being treated as a paying guest.

The host’s behavior was not just controlling but also verbally abusive. Their unwarranted aggression was both shocking and unsettling. It’s clear that this person should not be hosting guests, as they have the potential to harm others emotionally and financially.

What’s worse, I was evicted from the property with absolutely no warning. This was entirely the host’s choice and fault, yet they kept my money, refusing to cancel my booking. It’s a blatant disregard for the rights and comfort of guests.

Regarding the condition of the house, it was far from acceptable. The cleanliness left much to be desired, and guests were inexplicably limited to one shower per day. Access to the kitchen was cut off after 8 pm, and showers were prohibited after 10 pm, imposing unreasonable restrictions on daily life.

The number of rules and the demand to be invisible and silent were oppressive. Basic services and freedoms were stripped away, making this stay unbearable. Even something as basic as laundry was restricted to one load per week, despite the high cost of the accommodation.

Should you dare to point out any wrongdoing, be prepared for threats of police involvement and eviction. It’s a hostile and toxic environment that no one should endure.

What’s even more distressing is that the website, which facilitated this booking, was fully informed of the host’s behavior and chose not to take any action. Their customer service proved utterly useless, refusing to help no matter how dire the situation. They wouldn’t even refund the booking fee, which they should have. In my attempt to address these issues, I discovered that the website’s headquarters in Dublin had no real office presence, only serving as a post-receiving location.

This experience is nothing short of a scam, both on the part of the host and the website. None of the hosts are verified, so the safety of your homestay is not assured. I am currently pursuing legal action against both my previous host and the website itself.

In conclusion, exercise extreme caution and avoid using this website at all costs. It’s better to find alternative accommodations than risk your well-being with hosts suggested by this platform. Your safety and peace of mind are worth more than any homestay they offer.

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