Visiting Kronborg Castle in Denmark

categories: europe travel

Kronborg 2

I had a recent opportunity to visit Denmark and Sweden. When looking at museums and other cultural sites, I found a Renaissance castle that looked incredible to visit. This castle’s site dates to the 1400s and King Eric VII but it was used by King Frederick later and was inhabited up until almost 1800. It protected Denmark from Sweden across the sound, only about 10 miles distant. The lines and structure are still intact and it boasts some amazing places inside its walls. Bibliophiles will also know this castle as Elsinore named from Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

Side Trip from Copenhagen

The trip is two short hours from Copenhagen by train across lovely Danish fields and towns. Plan to arrive early as the gates open and the crowds can get heavy later in the day. It is a full day’s trip and you’ll want to stay for sunset as well. When you come out of the train station, you can see the castle so navigation is a breeze.

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The castle is surrounded by a moat and you must cross the drawbridge to get in. Once in, you see the gates that lead into a huge courtyard. At the far end of the courtyard is the chapel which actually looks more baroque and is the oldest remaining room in the castle. In 1629, a fire destroyed much of the castle and it was rebuilt. You can also enter the armory here and the start of the tour (as well as the gift shop). The tour is well worth the time; opt for the complete package which includes the dungeons.

Tour of Kronborg Castle

The tour starts in the dungeons and this is amazing. The area was used to house soldiers later in history but you can tell it was a grim place. During the castle’s heyday, this was the infirmary as well. It is cold, dark and wet. Just the thing to help heal some sick soldier.

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The highlight of the tour is the grand ballroom which is almost 200 feet in length. It has a checkerboard floor and a huge timber ceiling. I was assured that was the fashion for the 1600s. The walls are (and were) decorated with beautiful tapestries depicting various historical events. It is filled with light and was used to entertain the visiting kings from around the world. It is truly a majestic room.

After the tour, you can spend some time walking around the castle, visiting the collection of arms, and seeing the stables at the back of the castle. You can also grab a table at the café nearby. It is wonderful to relax with a nice glass of wine and watch the sun sink over the castle.

Traveling Soon? These useful links will help you prepare for your trip.
Kronborg 5


To hear more about visiting Kronborg and other things to do in Denmark listen to Travel to Denmark – Amateur Traveler Episode 606.

Visiting Kronborg Castle in Denmark

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David Elwood

by David Elwood

David Elwood is an avid scuba diver, leisure traveler and cancer survivor. He has traveled extensively to witness the wonderful things the world has to offer . His latest hobby, travel photography, continues to take him to faraway places.

One Response to “Visiting Kronborg Castle in Denmark”



Europe has so many epic castles, and I am in awe of how opulent many of them are … especially this one!

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