
Welcome Mat


Welcome to Amateur Traveler and thanks for commenting.

Your first comment will have to be hand approved. Sorry for the delay. You would be surprised that some people are trying to crash the party.


  1. If your parents really named you “Cheap Flight to Paris” or “Rolex Watch” then I have to apologize because your comment will never get approved. Perhaps we are paranoid but we are going to assume you are just trying to get a free link.
  2. I understand that you may allow different language in your house than I do in mine… but this is my house, my rules. Feel free to disagree but let’s keep it clean.
  3. There are programs out there that create automated comments. They say things like “This post really made me think. I will have to come back here and read your writing again”. They say things like this even when the comment shows up on a photo or a podcast. To make sure we don’t accidentally delete your comment give us some idea that you read, viewed or listened to the  post that you commented on.
  4. We want to hear your opinion. If you comment on an episode I may read your comment on a subsequent episode because others may want to hear it also.


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