4 Things Adventure Travelers NEED to Do Before Leaving the Country

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You know the feeling you get when you are late for work, you go flying out the door, and get halfway to the office when you suddenly ask yourself, “Did I close the garage?” or “Did I turn off the stove?” A sense of dread washes over you because now you have to turn around, just to check, making yourself even later.

Now, imagine that feeling when you are heading off to conquer Everest.

When you are about to go on an adventure trip, you need to be able to concentrate on the task at hand. Many adventure sports can be dangerous, and if you are not focused on what you are doing, it can become even more so. This is why it is important to make sure you have things taken care of on the home front before you leave the country.

1) Get Your Paperwork in Order

Leaving the country is not an easy task. From your passport to your boarding passes, there are a lot of documents you need to keep in order. As you start planning your trip, make sure your passport is up-to-date. It can take 4-6 weeks to process an application for a passport. Will you need a travel visa as well? While your passport is mandatory for visiting another country, not every country requires a visa for entry. Do your research and make sure you can have all of the necessary paperwork finished and in hand before your trip.

Depending on where your adventure takes you, you may be flying out of the country. There are applications for smartphones that allow you to download your boarding pass onto your phone for easy access. A few of our favorite apps, which work on both iPhones and Androids, are:

  • TripIt – for itinerary tracking
  • Trip Journal – for trip tracking, recording, documenting
  • Sit Or Squat – for finding  public toilets
  • XE Currency App – for converting currencies

Keep in mind though, bad things can happen to phones pretty easily, whether they’re dropped, get wet, or simply stop working. Have a back-up hard copy of your boarding passes tucked safely away somewhere.

2) Leave a Note

The thing about life is that it does not stop while you are not at home. Anything could happen while you are abroad. There will certainly be times on your trip when you won’t be accessible (whether by choice or circumstance). The other people on your white-water rafting trip will not appreciate you fielding a personal call while navigating Class 5 rapids. So before you leave home, talk to your trusted friends and family. Give them the number of the hotel at which you are staying, or the number of an international cell phone, if you go that way. Print a copy of your itinerary, from your first flight to your last flight, so someone can try his or her best to get in touch with you if it becomes necessary.

3) Pack, Pack, Pack

4 Things Adventure Travelers NEED to Do Before Leaving the Country | travel planningOh, those unpredictable weather patterns. Sometimes knowing how to pack for a trip is easier than other times (hint: don’t take your swimsuit to Antarctica), but other times weather can make or break a trip. Pack for any kind of unpredictable weather, whether it is rain, snow, heat, or extreme cold. You should also pack for moderate temperatures, just in case the extremes settle down and you do not want to sweat to death in your thermals. Think about layering as you pack: a base layer to regulate your body temperature; an insulating layer to retain heat; and a shell layer to protect you from rain or snow.

If you are flying to your destination, depending on the length of your trip you may need to check some luggage. Be cautious though, as checked luggage can sometimes find itself lost, leaving you stranded without any change of clothes. In your carry-on, you should always pack a set of clothes in case of a lost suitcase. Also, take photos of your baggage before you check it. This can help when describing your lost baggage at the airline counter.

More than clothes, remember to pack anything else you will need on your trip. Toiletries (environmentally safe ones if you will be camping), a travel guide, a compass, a flashlight, and a first aid kit should all make their way into your luggage. Remember sunglasses as well. Keep in mind that even if you are going somewhere cold, the sun is still shining. It can also reflect off of snow and create a terrible glare.

4) Consider Travel Insurance

Not only can unpredictable things happen at home while you are on a trip, but they can also happen to you when you are on a trip. You never want to think about bad things happening, but some adventure sports can be dangerous. Find out if your insurance plan covers you if you are abroad. If not, consider purchasing a travel insurance plan. Specific travel insurance plans are available for short-term periods and can cover things such as hospitalization, prescriptions, emergency evacuations, and many other things.

While doing all of this cannot guarantee you will not leave your kitchen light on before you leave your house, it should certainly give you a peace of mind and allow you to focus on your upcoming adventure. Your number one priority is to enjoy yourself on your trip. So go do it!

Traveling Soon? These useful links will help you prepare for your trip.
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Muhammad Yasin

by Muhammad Yasin

Muhammad Yasin is an avid world traveler and regularly writes on topics related to international travel. When he is not planning his next vacation, he is the Marketing Director for HCC Medical Insurance Services, an international medical insurance company that specializes in sports travel insurance.

9 Responses to “4 Things Adventure Travelers NEED to Do Before Leaving the Country”



All very good points. Leaving an itinerary with friends and family back home is a great way to stay safe and ease the minds of any worriers back home.

Will McNeice


Something I learned: take the luggage best suited to the terrain. Because I was backpacking I thought a backpack was what I needed, but I was travelling from one city to the next by train or bus, so a wheeled suitcase would have been much easier and more comfortable.



I may be biased because I’m a travel insurance geek :), but I love that you’ve included travel insurance.

I’d just check your policy carefully before you leave – lots of travel insurance policies don’t cover sporting activities (even including hiking and scuba).



I have actually never been out of the country before and will be taking <a href=” https://www.gemsinisrael.com/tours.html“>private tours of Israel</a> this summer and could not be more excited!! I have always wanted to travel but just have never really got the chance.  Thanks for the help, I would have had no clue.



I have actually never been out of the country before and will be taking private tours of Israel this summer and could not be more excited!! I have always wanted to travel but just have never really got the chance.  Thanks for the help, I would have had no clue. https://www.gemsinisrael.com/tours.html



Travel insurance is the bane of my existence. 😉 So much of me doesn’t want to spend the money, but I know if anything happens, I’ll be glad I got it.

Chris Christensen


Insurance is always odd. You are basically beating that you will have problems and the insurance company is betting you won’t. Seems odd to me.

Jonny Jenkins


Some great points here… along with letting friends and family know back home, I’ve also found it quite important to let my bank know (so they don’t get suspicious and block credit cards), my bosses know (well, sometimes), and when/if I can informing the consulate wherever I land so that I hear about travel advisories (apparently I’ve landed in the middle of three different rioting countries without being aware)

Lina @ Divergent Travelers


I think that anyone that likes adventure travel or adventure sports should not travel without insurance. It just offers a little peace of mind so you can enjoy yourself! I agree with the packing too, bringing the right gear is so important, even i it means renting it as you go. Nice article, thanks for sharing!

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