6 Reasons to Love EasyJet / 6 Reasons to Hate EasyJet

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easyjetI had a chance to fly the famously cheap European discount airline EasyJet last month. I have a little better idea of why so many people have a love/hate relationship with this budget airline.

6 reasons to love EasyJet

  • Good fares – Let’s face it, EasyJet has good fares. Even when you factor in some unusual fees EasyJet is an airline whose fares are easy to love.
  • Bag weight limit – While I can’t say I was wild about the weight limit of 20 kilos per person, I did appreciate that in a party of 3 people they did not care if all 3 bags were under 20 kilos as long as the total was less than 60 kilos.
  • Carry-on weight unlimited – The official policy of EasyJet is that they don’t care how much your bag weighs (within reason). My son once packed too many books in his carry-on bag on a flight on Air New Zealand. We were told his bag was overweight and he could not bring it on the plane. When we asked what we could do they suggested he take out a few books and carry them. What exactly did that accomplish?
  • Airport Transfer / Oyster Card –  You can buy an airport transfer/oyster card on the plane. I understand that they sell things on the plane to make money, but at least selling you a way to get into town is useful.
  • Snacks – EasyJet had a large variety of snacks that we could purchase. What you thought they would feed us?. 
  • Self Check-in – The self-check-in kiosks made the check-in process simple. You have to go to the desk only if you need to drop off the luggage.

6 reasons to hate EasyJet

  • One carry-on – EasyJet has a one carry on policy instead of one carry-on and a personal item like most airlines. This meant we checked our bags when we normally wouldn’t
  • One carry-on not consistently enforced – We made sure to check our carry-on bag since we knew people who had been prevented from bringing their 2nd piece of luggage on the plane, but that did not seem to be enforced on our flight and plenty of people were flaunting that rule. Whatever your rule is, enforce it consistently.
  • Constant selling… and nagging – EasyJet makes money from selling you things on the plane. They do this by constantly badgering you on the flight to buy something. More annoying to my wife was the announcement of how to use the overhead bins that played every minute or so from the moment we boarded.
  • Even a soda costs – Even a soft drink costs on EasyJet. They have already announced that they are considering switching to pay toilets to save on flushing toilet costs on the other famously cheap European airline RyanAir. Don’t be surprised if in the future the safety drill offers to sell you a seat belt on EasyJet.
  • Self Check-in – It is a good thing that the self-check-in worked for us because that is the only check-in option.
  • Boarding – Many people complain that Southwest Airlines boarding process is too regimented: stand here, board now, etc. I will never make that complaint again. Both discount airlines use open seating but if Southwest was regimented EasyJet was more like a rugby scrum. I lost my wife and daughter in the crowd but it was every man for himself.

Will I fly EasyJet again? Sure. The prices are good. But next time I am sneaking on my own soda.

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Chris Christensen

by Chris Christensen

Chris Christensen is the creator of the Amateur Traveler blog and podcast. He has been a travel creator since 2005 and has won awards including being named the "Best Independent Travel Journalist" by Travel+Leisure Magazine.

8 Responses to “6 Reasons to Love EasyJet / 6 Reasons to Hate EasyJet”

Trisha Miller


I miss the days when the airlines were regulated. I hate the direction they’re going in – charging extra for checking bags, an aisle seat, a can of soda or a snack – and yet many travelers still case after the lowest possible fare, allowing as little as a $10 to $15 difference in base fare move them to buy on a discount airline. I’ve become a MUCH bigger fan of Southwest in the past year for not giving in and joining the other airlines in this terrible, anti-passenger business model.

David Johnson


I think Chris’s review of easyJet is pretty fair. The only thing I would add is the friendliness of the cabin and flight deck crews – which in my experience is excellent. Like Chris, I hate the scramble to board the aircraft, but it is possible to pay extra for speedy boarding which ensures that you get on board first. In the end you get more than you pay for with easyJet – very low fares for travel on a fleet of aircraft (around 150 of them!) with none older than six years old. Finally, it is worth mentioning that this airline has never had an accident or lost a single passenger despite operating hundreds of flights daily for many years.



I don’t recall having any complaints with the cabin crew but also not that much interaction.



My problem with Easyjet is that the fares aren’t that low once you add in all the extras. I’m especially annoyed by the fee (I think it’s now 10 GBP!) to use a credit card. My last trip it actually worked out cheaper to fly London-Lisbon and Lisbon-Nice on TAP.



You might check out http://TripAdvisor.com/Flights (my day job) which has a fees estimator to try and help you do apples to apples comparison for fees.



nice information.

Valentin Garioud


My girlfriend and me were on the easyjet flight from Bristol to Nice on Saturday, October 26th (5:15p.m). My hand luggage (that I’ve been using on easyjet flights for the better part of the last 5 years) proved to be 2 millimetres too high and did no go all the way through the box as we were boarding. We were asked to pay for an extra 50£ charge, which I offered to pay a bit begrudgingly. My credit card was declined and so was my girlfriend’s. We offered to pay by cheque. The easyjet staff refused. We offered to pay cash, but they were unable to accept our offer. I suggested I left them the suitcase, paid by bank transfer, and have it delivered later during the week. This proposal was also rejected by the staff. I asked them to find a solution, to reach a compromise but they failed to do so. I’m a regular easyjet customer, and I pointed out that in my past travels, when there was no more room in the hand compartments, the staff asked passengers to put luggage in the hold for free and asked them if they would consider making an exception. They did not.
My girlfriend, who had a very important family reunion the next day, had a panic attack in the middle of the airport while I was negotiating with the staff. In spite of her helplessness and of my attempt to negotiate with all the flexibility and kindness that I could show, the easyjet staff remained heartless, uncompassionate and even a bit rude. I managed to remain calm and flexible the whole time, which was not easy in the face of such a lack of humanity.
As the door closed and we found ourselves with no plane, no place to stay, no money and one hold luggage inside the plane that was about to take off without us, one of your employees paid for the 50£ fee. I was too busy trying to soothe my girlfriend to notice what he did for us. This complete stranger, who had never met us before, showed more compassion that all the easyjet staff put together. And I am seriously astonished that the staff had one of their own collegues pay rather than bend the rules a little. This sweet man wouldn’t even take our cash and helped two strangers purely out of the goodness of his heart.
I am currently looking to get in touch with this man.

Chris Christensen


There still are good people out there 🙂

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