Tanzania, Africa as a Tourist – Episode 51

categories: africa travel

The Amateur Traveler goes to Tanzania. This first of two episodes on Tanzania looks at Tanzania as a tourist and focuses on three national parks: Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro, and Tarangire.

Maasai Boma

It also focuses on the Masai people. The traditional Boma of the Maasai people in Tanzania is a series of huts made from sticks, mud and cow dung surrounding an inner wooden corral and surrounded outside by an outer palisade. I love the people in this photo. The shy woman and the child in the shadow of the door of the hut.

This episode also has soundseeing clips from my trip.


click here to download (mp3)
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Show Notes

Lake Manyara
Ngorogoro Crater

Kudu Lodge
Tarangire Safari Lodge


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Tanzania, Africa as a Tourist – Amateur Traveler Episode 51

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Chris Christensen

by Chris Christensen

Chris Christensen is the creator of the Amateur Traveler blog and podcast. He has been a travel creator since 2005 and has won awards including being named the "Best Independent Travel Journalist" by Travel+Leisure Magazine.

5 Responses to “Tanzania, Africa as a Tourist – Episode 51”



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Episode 51 – Tanzania, Africa as a Tourist…

The Amateur Traveler goes to Tanzania. This first of two episodes on Tanzania looks at Tanzania as a tourist and focuses on three national parks: Lake Manyara, Ngorogoro and Tarangire. It also focues on the Masai people and includes soundseeing clips….

Dr. Picchi


My Global Problems class used podcast 51 to understand better the tension between conservation, tourism, biodiversity and the needs of rural African peoples. Well done Chris! Dr. Picchi

Dir Mrecha


It’s all about Adventure. Rough, Dust and Mad,
welcome home. Be real in wilderness. To avoid atracting bees and other incects, little perfume are recomandaed

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