Lake Titicaca Travel – Why Lake Titicaca Was Better than Machu Picchu

categories: south america travel

Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca
Recently a friend asked me to review an itinerary he was putting together for a visit to Peru. Since I had traveled there last summer with my daughters, he was interested in which destinations I thought were worth the time, money, and effort. Eventually, he asked what was my favorite part of my journey.

Lake Titicaca

Without hesitation, I replied that it was eating lunch on a terrace at a farmhouse on Taquile Island in the middle of Lake Titicaca. He was shocked, of course, in his mind, my favorite part of the trip should have been when my eyes first gazed upon the beauty and majesty of Machu Picchu. But this was not my first choice. In fact, it was not even my second choice. He wanted to know why and he wanted an explanation.

Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca

Many people feel that the Altiplano, Puno, and Lake Titicaca are areas of Peru that can easily be passed by. I would disagree with this assumption. I have many fond memories from this region and I felt in many ways that it was here where my daughters and I really came to know and love Peru.

Lake Titicaca is one of those places I learned about in elementary school. My fellow fifth graders and I loved to giggle every time we had the opportunity to pronounce the name in class. Most people know Lake Titicaca as the highest navigable lake in the world (for commercial craft), and many people know about the culture of the Uru people who base their sustenance on using the totora reed for everything from food to shelter.

The lake and the island people are fascinating pieces of culture and geography, and we definitely enjoyed visiting the floating islands of Urus and talking to the local families. We also realized that this aspect of visiting Lake Titicaca has become very touristy and is as much about selling souvenirs as it is about sharing culture. Had this been all we experienced, I may have formed a different opinion about the lake.

Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca

Island of Taquile

The second part of our excursion on Lake Titicaca included a boat ride to the hilly, rocky island of Taquile about 45 kilometers east of Puno. This rugged and remote island featured some pre-Inca ruins mixed in among agricultural terraces. There were no vehicles or hotels on the island and only a few small stores that sold basic necessities. Families offer home stays, but only about 40,000 tourists visit the island each year. Life for most of the residents has remained unchanged by much of our modern world.

Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca

Our boat ride to the island was bumpy, but it was a sunny day and we enjoyed being on the lake.

When we arrived at Taquile, our boat docked at a secluded alcove. Unlike, Urus, there was no one around to greet us or sell us souvenirs. In fact, the island looked deserted. As we stepped off the boat, we found a very serene, peaceful terrain devoid of tourists and other visitors. It was not what we expected.

Our tour included a hike from one side of the island to the other. The hike was not long, but it necessitated that we climb up one side of the island and walk down steep stairways and paths on the other. The climb was relatively easy, but since the elevation of the lake is 12,500 feet above sea level, none of us were sprinting up the hills.

We took our time to enjoy hiking the narrow pathways through small farms and grazing pastures for sheep. The local people allow the sheep to graze everywhere so their dropping fertilize the land. They do this for a few years and then move the sheep to other parts of the island. We quickly learned that it was a waste of time to worry about where we were stepping, nowhere was safe.

Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca

Eventually, we reached a farmhouse terrace that overlooked the lake. It was a simple structure made of stone; comfortable, but not too fancy. The family which ran the farmhouse had prepared a picnic lunch for us. What they offered us was a little bit of comfort; simple, but delicious local food; and unending views of the snow-capped mountains of Bolivia. The day was warm, the wind was light, and there was nothing to do but eat, share stories, and gaze at the scenery that seemed to go on forever. It was a perfect, serene, and peaceful afternoon.

Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca

I have never been to Greece nor the Western Mediterranean, but I imagined that this must have been what it would be like dining on a terrace overlooking the Aegean Sea. After eating lunch, enjoying the company of our new friends, talking with the local farm family, and relaxing for a while; we eventually hiked to the top of the island and then made our way back to our boat on the other side. The hike, scenery, and serenity were exhilarating. It was so unexpected.

Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca

I realized at the time that this was a special moment that I would never forget. I also began to realize that this is why I travel. Our trip to Peru was a schedule of visits to destinations, but really what we were hoping for was the opportunity to have experiences such as the opportunity to meet people, see things we have never seen before, come face-to-face with history, and experience other cultures. On Taquile, we had a travel moment that permanently left an impression on our souls.

Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca


You might be wondering, what was my second favorite experience? It was eating dinner with my two daughters at a restaurant in Lima that was perched on an outside terrace on the side of a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. To say it was anything less than magical would be an understatement. I don’t want to downplay seeing Machu Picchu, it was definitely third on my list of favorite things. But on Taquile Island, I truly experienced the beauty of Peru, and I came to realize the reason I love to travel.

Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca

Traveling Soon? These useful links will help you prepare for your trip.
Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca

Why Lake Titicaca Was Better than Machu Picchu

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Barry Kramer

by Barry Kramer

Barry S. Kramer is an elementary educator who developed a love of travel after attending an educational technology conference in Beijing in the year 2000. Since then he has returned to China eight times to experience many popular attractions, national parks, and out of the way places often not visited by Westerners. He has also traveled to Russia, Japan, Tibet, northern Africa, Europe, the Middle East, as well as many places in Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. His travel partners are his wife, Liping, and his daughters, Liz and Jessica.

5 Responses to “Lake Titicaca Travel – Why Lake Titicaca Was Better than Machu Picchu”



Sometimes the best part isn’t what you expect it to be. “@chris2x: Why Lake Titicaca Was Better than Machu Picchu”

N. Emmert


I liked your blog post. What was the name of the restaurant you liked so much in Lima that was on the hillside overlooking the Pacific? Thank you.

Lynn coffey


Hi I would like the restaurant in Lima as well thanks

Deb Welsch


Sounds like you have special memories. Please tell me what tour operator you used for your Lake Titicaca adventure.

Kimberly DeVolld


I am planning a trip to Peru by myself and am thinking of skipping Machu Picchu, due to time constraints and more interest in other things. I am afraid I will feel like I may miss the biggest thing Peru is known for but I love finding the small things that people tend to miss because everyone said they had to go somewhere else (If that makes sense). Maybe I’ll go back to Peru sometime and see it, but right now, I have no desire to see it or the crowds.

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