Travel to Kerala, India – Episode 147

categories: asia travel

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The Amateur Traveler talks to Megan Fitzgerald about her honeymoon to India and in particular her visit to the region of Kerala.

Hear about the beaches and the backwaters, food, and Hindu dance rituals.

click here to download (mp3)
click here to download (iTunes enhanced)


Travel News Carnival – August 7, 2008

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Show Notes

Megan’s husband’s photographs of India
Kerala Tourism
Career By Choice – Megan’s company
Carrer By Choice Blog
Kerala, India
Sadhya – Keralan food
Kashi Art Cafe
Taj Malabar – hotel and restaurant in Cochin
Ayurvedic Medicine

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Internet Resources – A website that tells you where historic events occured


Zoe and Amanda comment on the Dominicia episode: travel agent and dive company recommendations, historic facts, which waterfalls to see, etc.

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Chris Christensen

by Chris Christensen

Chris Christensen is the creator of the Amateur Traveler blog and podcast. He has been a travel creator since 2005 and has won awards including being named the "Best Independent Travel Journalist" by Travel+Leisure Magazine.

6 Responses to “Travel to Kerala, India – Episode 147”



Kerala is very good place, the climate, atmosphere is very good in kerala, I went to kerala when I was a school student, I couldn’t forgot that trip experience, kerala is look like fully greenish, we can get more fresh vegetables from the gardens and fresh tea.

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Kerala is a really beautiful place.I love Kerala…



My wife is from Kerala and I was sad to hear your podcast. No mention of catholicism being founded in Kerala by St. Thomas. Which is quite unique to Southern India and has a large population. In addition, Kerala was under British rule, so you obviously would expect to have only limited language issues in the way off the beaten path areas. A lot less than anyone else in the world visiting the U.S. The climate is also very unique in Kerala compared to the rest of India. Many major aspects of Kerala were missed that are much more substantial than the points that were hit, making me leary of other travel podcasts you have on other countries. (or states within countries) I wont even comment on Dominica where I worked 10 days a month for over a year. I will say locals pronounce it DOM-i-NEEK-a. Its not the Dominican Republic.



Every show is heavily influenced by the guest and how they see a destination. We always miss something, you just don’t always notice it. Of course the same thing is also true for traditional journalism. But thanks for catching our omission!

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