Rottnest Island: Quokka and More – Western Australia

categories: australia travel

Have you heard about the latest social media travel craze in Australia? One of the most popular (and cutest) things to do is to take a selfie with a Quokka on Rottnest Island off of Perth, Western Australia. A Quokka is an adorable (and quite photogenic) marsupial native to the southwestern tip of Western Australia. This article will include photos from social media and also highlight what other fun things there are to do when visiting this beautiful island on holiday.

Here is the original #QuokkaSelfie that started the whole craze.

The Original #QuokkaSelfie Photo Credit: Toby Costanzo / Via

What is a Quokka?


Quokka Family Photo Credit: Wikipedia

A quokka is an Australian marsupial that is only located in the southwest corner of the country. They are small and furry, usually about the same size as a domestic cat; and they look like a cute cross between a rat and a kangaroo. In fact, Rottnest Island was named because the early European settlers mistakenly thought it was infested with giant rats. Rottnest means rat nest in Dutch. However, quokkas are very friendly and curious creatures, which is how this selfie craze was able to happen in the first place. Never-the-less, do not feed or handle them or any other wild animals.

Quokka Selfies Everywhere

Quokka Selfies on Rottnest Island

Traveling Soon? These useful links will help you prepare for your trip.
Quokka Selfies on Rottnest Island Quokka Selfies on Rottnest Island
Quokka Selfies on Rottnest IslandQuokka Selfies on Rottnest IslandQuokka Selfies on Rottnest Island

What to do on Rottnest Island

Of course, taking photos of Quokkas isn’t the only thing to do on beautiful Rottnest Island. It is an island oasis with access to hiking, walking trails, endless beaches, and secluded bays. We were able to rest and relax on the beaches in between walking the trails and snorkeling in the calm bays. The water is crystal clear blue and the tropical fish are so brightly colored, the contrasts are amazing. We didn’t SCUBA, but if you do, then there is a famous shipwreck that is popular with divers and it is right off of the island’s coast.

We took advantage of the free walking tour at the Salt Store, we learned it is one of the oldest buildings on the island and is still standing and playing an integral part for the island since so many tourists like us pass through it. The lighthouses on the island are very picturesque and you shouldn’t miss those on the walking tours.

The highlight of our trip had to be the whale watching cruise we took. You just can’t help but fall in love with these gentle giants. It completely feels like they are just as interested in us and we are in them. If sea sports are your thing, there is plenty to do in the water and on the beach.

We hired sea kayaks and paddled around for a bit. It takes a little to get used to it if you haven’t done this before, but it was fun for a little bit. Now I’m able to check that off of my “to do” list. It was an awesome vacation weekend filled with a good mix of relaxation and adventure. We stayed active enough to not feel guilty about indulging in the delicious food.

Rottnest Island accommodation

There are quite a few options if you decide to stay overnight on Rottnest Island. Of course, it is close enough to the mainland to make a day trip too. We choose to stay at Hotel Rottnest which has been recently renovated. We splurged for the Premium Bayside Room which overlooks Thompson Bay.

As I mentioned, there are other options if you stay on Rottnest Island even if you are on a budget, you can pick the Rottnest Hostel or pitch a tent at the campgrounds. The Rottnest Lodge is another choice for staying on Rottnest Island. You should make plans in advance and book your accommodations as soon as possible so that your Rottnest vacation opportunity doesn’t slip away or get derailed.

How to get to Rottnest Island

Rottnest Island

Perth and Rottnest Island Map Photo Credit: Google Maps

If you want to head over to Rottnest Island for your own Quokka Selfie, it is easy to get there. It is just 18 km off of the Western Australia coast. You can take a ferry from the mainland. Ferry stops are found at Perth City, North Fremantle (Rous Head), Fremantle (Victoria Quay) and Hillarys Boat Harbour in Perth’s north. Ferry rides range between 25 and 90 minutes each way depending on which stop you are coming from. The ferry ride is just the beginning of your holiday, or in our case, a long weekend we spent on Rotto (as the locals call it).

Quokka Selfies on Rottnest Island – Western Australia

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Jason Hall

by Jason Hall

Jason Hall is blogger for Budget Car Hire Australia. He enjoys sharing travel tips and stories relating to travel in and around Australia.

2 Responses to “Rottnest Island: Quokka and More – Western Australia”



These pictures are so beautiful. Sorry, I can’t read your blog, just because of these pictures. They are so funny. I tried hard, but after looking at these photos, I couldn’t stop my laughter.

Lynn Kang


Before I read your blog, I’ve never heard of an animal named Quokka. However, after I read your blog, my favorite animal changed into Quokka. This animal is very fascinating and want to know more about this animal.I learned many new information by your blog. Thanks.

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