The Amateur Traveler talks to twenty-something vagabond Matt Kepnes (Nomadic Matt) about his trip to the less-visited western part of Australia. Hear about swimming with porpoises in out of the way 50 person towns, Perth, backpacker buses, Uluru and Karijini National Park.
click here to download (mp3)
click here to download (iTunes enhanced)
You Are Complaining About What??
Airlines Fly Slower, Save Gas
Show Notes
Nomadic Matt’s Travel Site
Perth, Australia
Uluru (Ayers Rock)
Australia Map
Backpacker Bus – Perth to Broome
History of Australia
Karijini National Park
Monkey Mia
Thorny Devil
Aussie Burger
The Sydney Visitor Podcast
Gary likes the show and wonders where I find the time
The Croatia show did not work for Ardis
+Chris Christensen | @chris2x | facebook
Dean Sandow
Says:May 11th, 2008 at 9:57 pm
Hello Chris. I have been listening for several months now. I think the show on Americas National Parks was the first that I found, and I have been hooked ever since. In addition to the current episodes, I have enjoyed going back through the archives for shows on places I have visited or hope to visit.
My wife, 19 year old daughter, and I are heading to Australia this fall. I found Episode #2 about Australia and enjoyed your latest in Episode #136 about Western Australia. We will not be able to make it out west, but we will cover the east coast, Red Centre, South Australia, Victoria, and Tasmania. Part of our trip will involve an RV rental for 14 days as we travel up the east coast.
Any thought of doing a show on RV travel? We took a ten-week trip throughout the US ten years ago, so we figure we can handle two weeks in Australia in an RV.
I really appreciate your shows. You clearly put a lot of effort into the productions. One element that I especially like is the fact that you cover so many varied places and approaches to travel without recrimination. For example, I like cruising, but I also would like to hike part of the Pacific Crest Trail. My family and I love Disney, but we also love sitting on the beach on Maui. You cover many topics with tact and taste. Thanks for the informative and enteraining programming. And, now that we have listened to Episode #2, we too will watch out for those deadly vending machines!
Dean Sandow
Scappoose, Oregon
Says:May 12th, 2008 at 10:37 am
I have a plan to do a show about RV Travel with some friends who are taking off on a one year trip in the Summer.
Glad you like the show. π
Prashant P
Says:May 18th, 2008 at 3:57 am
Chris, another great episode. As an Aussie living in London, I agree that too often tourists concentrate on the East Coast of Australia; there are more interesting places to see, some of which like WA are off the beaten track, but well worth the visit.
Says:June 4th, 2008 at 10:37 pm
Loved this episode- I think I was impressed the most by was the taking a year to travel the world idea…. then I listened to the Iran on a bike show and they took a year to bike too! …and sounds like your RV friends will do it too! π Didn’t realize it was such popular thing ;). It just sparks the imagination of all the wonderful places one would visit if given a year “off” of the normal day to day life. It sparked this blog entry of mine ( Am enjoying the show!
Says:November 19th, 2008 at 9:58 pm
Loved the show, you don’t often get to hear about WA. Just a small comment, the distance from perth to broome is not as far as NY to LA, it’s about half the distance.
Says:December 16th, 2012 at 6:00 am
Hate to get technical but…Western Australia is a state in Australia, whilst Uluru is actually in the Northern Territory. It would be better to call this episode Travel to the Western half of Australia.