Travel Insurance – The Reassurance You Can’t Do Without

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unexpected hospital stay in Germany

A broken ankle changed the fun trip what were we to do about getting home?

It all happened so fast as our friend accidentally slipped and fell on a step and landed with a crashing sound.A click of the mouse and the Internet had my upcoming trip to Germany all ready to go. Only now could I relax and concentrate on how to pack. Should I arrive looking stylish like a tourist bundled up for Bavaria, Germany? I’d have to think about that.

The suitcases were packed and I flipped through my manila envelope organized with computer print outs of airline tickets, train passes and hotel pictures for three excited female travelers.

I imagined getting through security would be the most difficult part of the trip with unloading laptops, coats and shoes while trying to not hold up the line. Had I only known that security would be easy compared to what was to come.

Our week of exploring German cities, shopping with the locals and tasting different regional foods was coming to an end as we anxiously planned our last day of activities. We would have one last train ride and then head to the airport…. or so we thought.

That horrible snapping sound

It all happened so fast as our friend accidentally slipped and fell on a step and landed with a crashing sound. That horrible snapping sound and the sight of her bent ankle with a bone sticking out almost made me ill. Even worse, it signaled a very different end to our trip. As fast as we could, we loaded her in the car and drove to the local village (population 6,000) hospital where staffing was at a minimum and all of us assisted her into the emergency room by pushing the gurney.

Thankfully, a trauma doctor was on duty and announced in broken English that surgery was needed immediately. My mind was racing. Here we were in a foreign country with no time for a second opinion. Our friend had never had surgery. The nurse took a copy of her passport and then I chimed in, “we have travel insurance!” and breathed a sigh of relief that we bought trip insurance for the three of us. The nurse told me to bring the insurance policy tomorrow because our friend would be staying in the hospital five days to avoid blood clots. Five days? But our return flight is in two days. As my friend was wheeled into surgery, the color drained from my rosy cheeks and I whispered to my other friend, “the party is over; we have a lot of work ahead of us”.

I did know one thing; the $200 I had paid for the travel insurance just became the best investment I had made in a very long time.

Change of plans

The surgery went well and the staff was helpful to us but now we needed to get to our B&B, get some rest and gather our thoughts.

My global smart phone became my constant companion throughout this time and I emailed and called my travel agent and family members to inform them of our mini crisis. Suddenly I was glad I booked the airline tickets with a travel agent because she began coordinating all the requirements now wanted by the insurance company and the airlines. The small fee she had charged us to book the tickets seemed inconsequential compared to the feelings of being overwhelmed 8,000 miles from home and not knowing what to do to help our friend.

A valuable lesson we learned about booking travel on the Internet is that it is not like retail buying on the Internet where returns are possible; a nonrefundable restricted ticket is exactly that-nonrefundable.

The European coordinator for the insurance called me and outlined the procedures and once again, I was relieved to know that professionals were helping us.

We were able to use local transportation to visit our friend in the hospital and we were also able to leave an extra global phone with her to call us. On the fourth day, she called and her voice shook as she told me the hospital required 1000 Euro to release her the next day. We hurried to the hospital and contacted the billing department and handed the woman a credit card. She said, “NEIN!”- German for No and then she walked us to the ATM machine.

1000 Euro meant three separate ATM transactions. What if one of the transactions failed? We took our time and after the first withdrawal, I used two ATM cards from different accounts. Always worried my ATM card will get captured, I travel with extra debit cards for such an occasion.

Making sure a receipt for the payment was given to us, we asked the hospital for all the medical records and X-rays to take back home to her doctor. The hospital complied and we were ready to leave on the fifth day as the doctor ordered.

The evening before we had hoped to leave, the coordinator and travel agent finalized our returned flights and organized a private driver to the airport. I stressed with the coordinator that we needed a large van for us and all our luggage, lots of luggage. They must have understood American luggage because a big van by European standards was provided for us.

The insurance upgraded our friend to business class because she needed to keep her foot up and we all made it home safe and sound. We are fine, our friend is healing and we all look back on our trip with fond memories, despite the accident. But we would never hesitate to buy travel insurance for any future trips, there’s nothing quite like knowing you have the protection when the unexpected happens.

For more information, the following websites are good resources for price and coverage comparisons:

Traveling Soon? These useful links will help you prepare for your trip.
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M'Liss Hinshaw

by M'Liss Hinshaw

M'Liss became a freelance travel writer after retiring from county service in San Diego, her home town. She likes exploring foods in her travels and also discovering different restaurants close to home. She says "travel is a window to the world and we like to open the window for others."

3 Responses to “Travel Insurance – The Reassurance You Can’t Do Without”



Very well told M’Liss – I can feel the tension and it brings me back to my many visits to hospitals in foreign countries – and to my husband’s recent bone snapping slip and fall that sounds so sickeningly similar!

As we get older I find comparison shopping for trip insurance a must, so thanks for the websites. Even though 1000 euros is a lot to shell out of the ATM, bit by bit, in the end, how interesting that a broken leg costs only that to the doctors and hospital in Germany; it would be ten times that in the U.S.

We’ve been warned – and thanks!

Jeff Wood


Very good article by the author. I am a travel insurance provider and many times i have heard people tell me that they buy the travel insurance because they have never needed it before. In this example it just take a second to find out that the few extra dollars that you pay for travel insurance is a expense that will benefit a person when that one time happens. The part i liked most about the article is the customer service that was provided to make sure the travelers were not having to spend great amounts of time shuffling paperwork back and forth. Many of my companies have a 800 number that goes directly to claims and they also speak many languages to help the client communicate. Very good article I am going to post this on my twitter account to help inform more people

Donna Hull


An excellent article that reflects my recent experience being hospitalized in Switzerland. Thank goodness for travel insurance AND for belonging to a medical evacuation program. Many travelers assume that European countries offer socialized medicine to visitors as well as citizens. That is not the case in all circumstances. The writer had to post money to get her friend out of the hospital. My husband had to put a hefty charge (think thousands) on our credit card so that I could be admitted to the hospital. Our medical evacuation program brought me home on business class, accompanied by a traveling nurse who took care of every detail. We’re still working out payment arrangements with our travel insurance company. Also, before traveling, check to see if your U.S. health plan includes global coverage. It could be that you already have some insurance protection for international medical problems.
Also, this article points out one of the benefits of a travel agent. If you’ve booked a trip through an agent, a good one will help you negotiate your medical disaster. Since we were traveling with ours, they accompanied us to the hospital and worked the phones to arrange the medical evacuation and to sort out travel insurance issues. Well worth the price of using one.

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